Mobile Vital Signs Monitor

It is not enough to work out for an hour or two every day; you need to be able to monitor your vital signs so that you can know whether the exercise is having any effect or in the other extreme, whether you may be damaging your body. The only way to do this is to wear a mobile vital signs monitor. There is no shortage of these in the market – in fact, looking online you will find that there are so many of them that it can be impossible to choose if you don’t have guidelines. To help you we have compiled a list of tips to help you find one that will suit your needs:
•    Decide what vital signs you want to monitor. You can monitor your heart rate, your breathing rate, how much oxygen you take in, how much carbon dioxide you expel, your temperature, your ECG or EKG and so on. There are devices that monitor just one of these and there are those that monitor more than one or two vital signs.
•    How much are you looking to spend? You will find that there are monitors that cost you less that $50 or $100 and others that cost more than $500 or even $1,000.
•    There are two types of vital sign monitors that you can buy – those that you wear across your chest and those that are worn on the wrist. Although the ones that are strapped to the chest tend to be more accurate, they are also often cumbersome – when you are working out you don’t want to wear anything that feels like it is constricting your movement.
Shop at Equivital – they have some of the best mobile monitoring devices in the market. Find out more on